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Rising out of Mirkwood: 7 Virtues - Kindness

Justin Carpenter

The show will be centered around bringing clarity to our situation that we find ourselves in. We'll talk of this dark reality the cabal has thrust us into, as symbolized by Tolkien's Mirkwoood, and how to rise above it. We must climb... Climbing higher and with each step new clarity, new perspective, new vision. All by the grace of God...

Continuing on the "Rising out of Mirkwood - The Seven Virtues" series, Colleen and I will be focusing on the virtue "Kindness". We'll be taking a look at the attached chart to go over what a balanced, virtuous way of being, but also identify when we are becoming imbalanced otherwise.

Amazing notes from Julie! Thanks Julie 🙏💛

Rising out of Mirkwood. Kindness What is kindness? How does it show up in our lives? How do we balance ourselves so we can see God face to face? Discovering our virtues extends our lives and balance enables us to flow mentally, physically and emotionally. Lila- Trying to find balance and clarity. Kind V Being nice. Timidity causes pain. Need to maintain boundaries. Non violent communication can be helpful by focusing on the act and not the individual. This promotes non judgement and doesn't trigger the ego. Our language carries energy so be conscious of the words used. Casting our net to the right regardless of outcome is kindness.. We experience cognitive dissonance when trying to be nice which is lying to ourselves. Innerstanding the virtues enables us to make a conscious choice. Pussillanimity is lacking the courage to do the right thing in the moment. To be a "pussy ". Welcome. Reknow The Bard. Is envy a motivator? A double edged Sword? Pusillanimity means we are not big or brave enough to improve ourselves. Is it inspiration or envy? Or admiration? Envy comes from a place of lack. Win/Lose V Win/Win. Ultimate Goal is to transcend and transform the Sins. Depression is a Sin. It places us in victim mode that leads to no faith in God. What's needed is inspiration not sympathy. Become the observer. We can only do it for ourselves. How is depression working for you? Both envy and pusillanimity lead us away from kindness. Pride and anger are envy's cousins. Anger becomes a tool of pride and results in envy. Niceness is foolish. Nice guys finish last. Kindness finishes first. Balance is being God's warrior. God is good. Creation is God. I am good. This leads to kindness to all beings. Practice in every moment and acknowledge when we fall. We are innately connected to all. The ego is a tool that needs to be kept in alignment. Practice non attachment and become the neutral observer. The Hobbit. Dantes Inferno are The Heroes Journey which is joyful and exciting. Lila's Poem. Allow God's energy to work through us. Am I humble, in humility, in kindness?. Nothing else matters. Feeling V Vision. Feeling is Soul. Vision is the trickster (5senses). Victimhood is a level of Hell and takes humility to recognise it. Elena's offering. Victims can manipulate, use as excuses and to get attention. Creates "woke" culture. My suffering is greater than yours. Creates anger which silences others. Recommended Movie The Ringing Cedars of Russia. Role of bio robots in the system. Used to suppress dissenters who are Sovereign and Free. Where was I behaving like a bio robot? When we know better we can guide others to escape. Sharon's offering. The role of magic in our lives. The frequency of joy brings the vibration of magic. Kindness =Courage. Letting go of relationships that push us into depression. Feeling uncomfortable = opportunity to grow. Courage = Timely Wisdom. Lisa's offering. Envy is a friend to me. With eyes of Love and Beauty I see. We respond in the moment when we live consciously. The Virtues Chart is very useful. Best place to be is the centre. The Middle Way. Elena's offering. Should I post the truth or let it go? Link to feelings. Where is God leading us? Is it coming from pride (ego) or helping others? Is anyone harmed by the lie? If so, do what needs to be done and let it go. If it's pride then look within and let it go. Marie's offering. Once you have to defend yourself you've lost. It's the intention behind the action. Why am I triggered? Everything happens for you. Everyone is our teacher. Discomfort is a great teacher. Switch to observer mode. Conscious response is virtuous. Be efficient with energy. What do I need to learn? Put into practice the words of the Bible. Monica's offering. Let go of someone else's journey unless they ask for guidance. Focus on the Self. Recommended Viewing. Charlie Freak The Takedown of Organized Religion from A to Z. Justin Carpenter The Bible decoded. Matthew and Revelations. Other sources available on Justin's website. Sharon's offering. Our unending desire to be right prevents us from having compassion. (Yogic Saying). When does "care " control someone's growth? Who really knows God's plan for others? Kindness begets Kindness. 2 way street. Reknow's Poem The Word. Author's offering. The end of a journey lies in the future. The beginning of a journey lies in the heart.

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