From a God/Good oriented perspective, The Bible represents a collection of texts compiled by the Gnostics, the Essenes and others to provide a guide to spiritual elevation and growth. Yet this tool has been changed throughout it's life, with writings excluded and changed to suit the power structure in each time period. Who decided which books remained in the collection and which were excluded? What are these books that have been removed and why were they taken out?
The Gospel of Thomas is one of these texts that was removed from the compilation during the infamous Council of Nicea, where many books were removed. It's described as 114 passages directly spoken by Ieshua (Jesus) and was discovered among the Nag Hammadi texts in 1945. What does this collection say within? Why did the power structure decide to remove this book from the Bible?
Let's dive into the text and read it for ourselves. We'll start at the beginning of this short collection and go through and discuss each line. I'll be sharing screen and referencing this version.
This is the beginning of a series where we go over other removed the rediscovered books, such as the Gospel of Mary, the Gospel of Philip, etc. There will be much room for discussion, so feel free to join in! We do this series on Telegram on on Wednesday at 4PM Pacific, 7PM Eastern If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!
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