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Justin Carpenter

Quest-i-on - Quest to turn 👁💡27-SEP-24

Artist played: Dave Matthews Band


-Are seedless/inorganic fruits ok to eat?

-Are eggs ok for dogs to eat?

-Thoughts on why we have mosquitos and other pests?

-Are plastics bad to use?

-Are food dyes harmful?

-How will school systems change moving forward?

-Can you put lemon water in a copper bottle?

-No centralized school systems moving forward

-How will those with degrees handle disclosure?

-Letting faith lead...

-How to exit the system

-Document describing the intentions behind the system

-Simple practice to come back to pure awareness

Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...

Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!

Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here

A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you 🙏

Thanks Donadica!

Quest.I.On Notes and Time Stamps September 27, 2024

Dave Matthews Band ~ "Ants Marching" and "The Space Between"

22:20 Justin's welcome and song decodes. Gives status on the Orgone Box building; various announcements.

31:35 Written question from Bec S: What is your opinion regarding seedless and organic versus inorganic fruits? Are these okay to eat? ~ Justin's response: Is it ripe? Is it local? Gold standards and acceptable levels discussed.

38:05 Also ~ Can/should dogs eat eggs? Justin's reply: Once a week might be okay. Raw eggs should include the shells, just as you would include bones with raw meat.

40:50 Why we have mosquitos and other pests? : Justin's feedback: Energy vampires? Parasites breed when stagnation occurs. It's all connected ~ pay attention to these: correction is needed.

47:00 Darth Phaedras’s input re: Divine Feminine energy and energy healing.

49:24 Question from Teresa M. regarding plastics: God made the oil, so is plastic that bad if it's made out of oil?

49:58 Justin responds: Yes, oil is a natural material, whereas plastic is not. Not all plastics are made the same. Grow awareness. We need to get better at this. We have current technology and new technology is coming soon.

57:45 Teresa's follow-up and also questions food dyes such Red Dye #40 Are these harmful?

58:06 Justin replies: There are natural ways to get colors in food/drinks. However, Red Dye #40 was created and intended to cause harm.

1:00:30 Teresa's feedback: Justin's response~ many foods don't contain any dyes. Lila is very conscious of these dyes and her son has not consumed them ever. She would be a great resource regarding these dyes.

1:01:34 Question from Janie: How will school districts change moving forward?

1:01:57 Justin's response ~ All layers of society will be scrutinized with a fine-tooth comb. We'll get to decide what we want and we'll have access to new options and resources. Math vs. Sacred Geometry.

1:09:45 Janie's feedback and gratitude

1:10:20 Written question regarding copper ~ Is it safe to store lemon water in a copper vessel? Justin's response: It's not recommended as the lemon's acidic properties will result in high levels of copper rendering the water nauseating. Copper pipe can be used in a pool to avoid chemicals as it has cleansing properties.

1:14:48 Darth Phaedras: Backtracking to the previous question regarding schools/districts/systems: The education system made the chains of slavery invisible. As per "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" ~ the Cabal planned and weaponized the educational system. It was designed to shape the youth through a centralized educational system and this must be dismantled.

1:20:28 Janie responds and clarifies that her main concern is/was: How will those with degrees or striving for these higher degrees handle the disclosure?

1:21:15 Justin's response: They will learn a humbling lesson to realize that engaging in this system is buying into the hellish society. Suggests we let go of the outcomes and find stability and strength within. We've had years to awaken; we will all face all decisions that we've made. Judgment Day approaches.

1:29:16 Janie's feedback and gratitude

1:29:54 Justin continues: This is a leap of faith ~ we can't know/perceive. Faith has to guide; we'll all experience it as we have to; with faith, we'll get through.

1:32:40 Beth B. offers commentary: She was a nurse and in 2020 a (jab) coordinator and had to unlearn and now relearn. Worked with many doctors, nurses and other professionals and these types of things has weighed heavily on her. Suggests support is needed during this time.

1:40:37 Justin replies with thanks for Beth's share. Advises that this share will help others along the same path. Signs will show as to what needs to be addressed in the days ahead.

1:47:02 Beth's feedback regarding the need for support groups. Stress adds to the issues in the restoration of health.

1:50:35 Jill shares commentary with Beth regarding illness and possessing Reiki master skills, offering her assistance. Jill's suggestion to go within and find your power within.

1:53:45 Beth thanks Jill and replies yes, she needs to practice and will reach out to Jill. She wants to set up a support group to help herself and others in need.

1:55:37 Justin agrees; great idea ~ he is in support of anyone wishing to start channels and groups for those who need to be there. Welcome to share that group here on this show or JC Family group.

1:57:17 Darth Phaedras’s: Questions a previous inquiry regarding food coloring or dyes in children's food? Justin confirms that there was a question about food dyes and their safety…

1:57:41 Darth located a document in a library in So. Cal many years ago and shared it at that time with his parents and teachers; however, they didn't understand its implications. "The Secret Covenant" was allegedly written by John D. Rockefeller (Darth reads document). Comments: Our connection is to Love and theirs is to fear. The veil is lifting and we know who wins this battle. Do not give in to fear. Love and unity are required ~ It's time ~ we're finally here.

2:08:02 Justin agrees and thanks Darth for presenting this information. Suggest that this brings to light doing the right thing even though they were not as close as we are to the finish line, yet they persisted and pressed on.

2:10:35 Justin shares a YouTube posting regarding coming back to our true selves. This simple practice to come back to pure awareness. “Remove All Thoughts Without Effort.”

2:24:20 Justin's commentary on this video. Sharing the link on the chat ~ Coming back to our true essence.

2:26:18 Darth shares that this method is very prevalent in QiGong as a starting point. This definitely resonates and it would be a good practice for everyone to take up.

2:27:24 Justin agrees and shares further, delving deeper into the true essence or self-practice ~ I AM.

2:28:32 Peggy shares and comments about being in the same realms at the recent gathering.

2:29:00 Justin clarifies and further shares that this was similar to Vipassana Meditation.

2:31:25 Lila B. updates on her travels and the Human Design conference she has recently attended. She has lots to share in an upcoming show and will be catching up on messages: sending her love.

2:33:39 Justin is very excited about what Lila has already shared with him and what she will present when she returns home from traveling.

2:34:36 Lila gives her feedback and provides further details and how they were promoting balance between spirit and body. In these sessions; she noted some refreshing discussions on the state of things in our world such as immunizations and geo-politics.

2:37:30 Justin's commentary and feedback on the balance and natural way of things, realizing this is something that Lila is so good at maintaining and happy to hear that it was promoted at this conference.

2:38:50 Justin closes the show with two more Dave Matthews Band songs: "Where Are You Going" and "Crash Into Me"


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