Artist played: Nickel Creek
Topics Discussed:
-Thoughts on entities/possession
-Is it best to avoid violence/horror in media?
-Transmuting raw emotion
-Luciferic vs Satanic energy
-If the white hats are in control, why are there innocent deaths?
-Are the sun and moon fake?
-Are mammograms safe?
Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...
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QUEST.I.ON 10.18.24 - Notes and Time Stamps
Song Played: "When You Come Back Down" - Nickel Creek
7:55 Justin's Welcome; Updates; Announcements and details on his upcoming trip to East TN to deliver supplies from Project Concern, Binghamton, NY to Jonesborough, TN and assist those who were severely affected by Hurricane Helene and the flooding that followed.
20:30 Question from Izzy: Relates a story of a friend who has suffered a stroke. Wonders if an entity can take advantage of an unsuspecting person like this and if so, how does it enter a person?
24:04 Justin's response: Darth has shared a perspective on this that we are always being possessed by something... Frequencies will align just as radios tune into a radio station. We have the responsibility; there's nothing that can overtake us without our conscious choice. Entities are merely thought forms.
30:19 Izzy interjects: Advises based on her previous work as a nurse and further details on this friend. Comments regarding the Right and Left mind and correlations; Wonders if the programs on TV can have an effect in aligning the vibration to them and attach that type of energy as well. Can an entity use this person and change their behavior?
34:04 Justin reiterates that he prefers to call them "thought forms" rather than entities. Josh X references that these would be similar to parasites. Yes, an impairment can allow a person to be more vulnerable; These circumstances offer us the opportunity to look at the bigger picture.
30:04 Izzy additionally wonders if Justin would recommend that she leave the group that this person is in charge of? Asking Justin for advice.
40:36 Justin responds: Izzy will need to explore this further; When we recognize that someone is locked into a state of being, then it's our duty to step away and contain that so the least amount of harm is caused. Allowing the person to find resolution within themselves.
42:41 Izzy's feedback: Can we do anything to help the person to get rid of this? Does this person need to be doing this on their own?
43:27 Justin advises that we always approach in love and strive to cause no harm; in loving the person we hold the mirror up, but ultimately change has to come from the other person. Be at peace knowing that they might never do it in this lifetime, but know that you've done your very best to prevent harm.
45:50 Izzy thanks Justin and offers some further commentary on this situation. Reiterating the question regarding watching TV/movies as well as her humanitarian efforts going forward; speaking on life and death.
51:38 Darth responds citing scripture Prov. 20:5 - "Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out." It's important to remember that all of these "entities" or "thought forms" are aspects of the absolute self; Yes, we should be aware of our surroundings and aware of what people are being possessed by; If we're doing the work, we don't have to worry about being possessed by them. Reference to a recent watch party "Hacksaw Ridge" and the character walking in faith; Yes, be aware of exercising Self Control, it's more important to focus on Faith vs Fear - Love and wisdom carry us through. Wisdom and Prudence according to Proverbs 8:12 " together in the house." Look deeper into what caused the friend to experience stroke; What foods are they consuming? Faith and Wisdom are parts of the armor; continue on the mission, without need to worry about these when we walk in Light we do not give into Fear.
1:00:03 Izzy thanks Darth for sharing the wisdom and offers further details on her life and situation. These answers resonate.
1:02:21 Justin adds: regarding watching TV/movies, allowing these 'things to enter', relates these to Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory. External factors and Internal focus - Extreme examples.
1:06:19 Izzy Interjects: Refers to court cases, easier to point fingers than to take responsibility for actions.
1:07:00 Justin responds: Yes, it's exactly that, check in to see how you feel; transmute the triggers. thanks Justin for his input.
1:10:02 Sara M. shares commentary and details around her son's life and the changes that were seen in his teenage years when prescribed medications.
1:24:00 Justin offers thanks to Sara for sharing her story with us; offers more regarding the transmission of triggers.
1:27:45 Beth B. updates the group on her travels from Florida to Ohio; visits with family, reconnecting from a distance; details around the hurricane damage to her home. Shares that Tracey has been an invaluable help to her during this time especially in doing the shadow work to work through recent challenges.
1:35:07 Justin thanks Beth suggesting embracing the challenges of dealing with friends/family who've known us in a different way. We have compassion for them, not to excuse behaviors, but not to take things personally. Refining the gifts; everyone is our teacher; triggers offer us the opportunity to transmute these into gold: So valuable.
1:40:12 Janie expresses her thankfulness to those who've shared today and for this space. Commenting about Sara's heartfelt share. Commentary around spending time with siblings and family members and the dynamics.
1:41:38 Justin thanks Janie for her share and reads an offline written question from Brian who wonders if Justin is familiar with the "Book of Lucifer"?
Justin advises that he is not, however he would like to share a reference from Dr. Robert Gilbert, referencing his insight and concepts on Lucifer and Satan. Lucifer as the Light Bearer and Satan the Luciferic energy, drawing away from the Light; Satanic only the physical, as if that's the only real thing. Both are essential and polarizing the friction between them helps us find balance.
1:50:19 Lila B. Shares that she also does not know of that book but rather the teaching of Rudolf Steiner and the Ahriman (note: Steiner emphasized that both Lucifer and Ahriman play crucial roles in human development, and their influences must be balanced to achieve spiritual evolution.) and how it helps in working on Balance.
1:55:18 Justin thanks Lila citing the balance of nature or the Middle Path to walk.
1:56:23 Sara M. adds to what Lila shared mentioning a specific story about connecting to fire and her son's attendance at a Steiner school as well. Making beeswax candles and lighting those near to the end of the day.
1:59:34 Lila shares more about the fire and eating by/with candlelight and the song they would sing. Discusses how they invite the energy in, the need for fire to burn through and help digest foods. Beeswax candles have very potent energy. Worth the extra cost, reconnecting with things we're really meant to; More information on Steiner's teachings, and the figure eight patterns to remove the Ahrimanic: purification energy by moving a spoon 3, 6 or 9 times through water for example.
2:05:40 Darth shares that water tumblers for pumps are sold to erase the Ahrimanic energy patterns allowing the natural geometric patterns of the water to shine through. He agrees and backs up what Lila has just shared.
2:05:30 Justin referring to Sara mentioning "Witchy" and shares that Darth's view of "Witchcraft" is choosing "which craft we're going to use." All tools given to us by allowing the Divine goodness to flow through them.
2:07:13 Lila delves deeper to share this is called "Lemniscate" or the Infinity symbol, a mathematical curve that's shaped like a figure 8 or infinity symbol.
2:08:09 Written question from Kathy: If the White Hats are in control, then why are these deaths of innocent people (referring to the recent disasters) happening?
Justin's response: It helps us to realize that 'It had to be done this way': It's hard to grasp on a small scale, but it's good to zoom out to see this best. This is not to say that it was done to "harm people." Unsure if this was weather manipulation that occurred because the Cabal weather modifications were shut down some time ago, thus making the weather patterns much more erratic and susceptible to our emotional force because that's what the Cabal was containing. Much of what the weather modification negated these weather patterns that arose from our emotional turmoil. Moving back into balance; like the emotions, they have to come to the surface. So what we've been told is these programs have largely been dismantled...leaving the emotional states to affect the weather patterns much more. So it's something to consider as a potentiality of what has occurred. This all brings people into a greater state of awareness. The same works around the children. Investigations on the ground showed no reports of children found who were missing or orphaned in these disaster situations. However, the online community was most certainly reporting on these events. This leads us to recall the Cabal's use of "natural disasters" to take advantage of these situations: cites examples of Earthquake in Haiti and all the children who were trafficked following that event. So this begins seeding this into the consciousness and causing people to look into what's going on. In the big picture, we know that God is truly orchestrating all of thisāwe're on the highest possible timeline - Heaven on Earth reality and that does require us to learn about these things. If we've chosen not to learn then we have to learn from consequences/natural circumstances or the natural order of things. When in doubt we zoom out - We have to have the faith that all is happening for the 'highest good.' Justin's teaching: "Why Does God Allow Suffering" :
2:19:30 Darth adds that there's a certain amount of responsibility that we all bear in choosing where we live. We choose with whom we're associating. Never run away from responsibility and doing your due diligence in finding out what's happening in the area we live. This is a war, and yes, this is a movie, but we're in the movie; things that happen in the movie affect the characters within it. We know God's going to win, but Proverbs 22:3 states: "A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences."
2:23:29 Justin agrees with Darth and shares another written question: What is behind the posts regarding a fake sun and a sun that has bright bulbs and such?
Justin responds that he will forgo being too harsh on this topic; simply put, these posts are ridiculous. Same with the moon being a spaceship... All of these are meant to make people feel powerless as if there were some more powerful beings out there in control. These narratives are prevalent in the "truther" community and meant to increase fear agendas and theories like this are nonsense.
2:30:04 Darth adds that the Bible refers in Joshua 10 to the Sun standing still... and in Jasher, a missing book of the Bibleāthese both happened and did not happen. Nothing is impossible. He's deeply grateful to be alive to witness the NDE (near death experience) forthcoming and its details.
2:34:00 Justin thanks Darth and completely concurs.
2:34:35 Carmen references some health concerns and wonders if mammograms are safe and if anyone has more insight on these?
2:35:44 Scott responds: Mammograms equate to approximately 200 x-rays on the breast. Thermography is a much less toxic option that he recommends to his loved ones.
2:36:50 Carmen thankful for Scott's feedback and mentions health insurance is not available and finances are tight and playing a factor; also she is unsure of the reliability of thermography. Discussing ultrasound as an option.
2:38:11 Scott replies with additional suggestions for adjusting her diet to be more alkaline, whole/plant-based foods. Mentions these are gifts not to fear, but to know that you can overcome this and in fact are already healed, wishing her well and best of luck, knowing she will do well.
2:40:10 Carmen appreciates Scott's encouragement
2:40:17 Justin thanks Scott for the share and agrees that regardless of what scans reveal - the solution is the same. Continue to refine, cleanse and work on the physical and mental areas. Also, some simple things can be done: B17 from apricot seeds, baking soda and other tools are available and hydration is very important as well as eating water-rich foods.
2:45:32 Scott refers additionally to deodorants, as well as what we think because our thoughts can be acidic as well. Agrees with Justin's share about baking soda being a great idea and studies done by a cancer doctor who was from Italy: Dr. Simoncini (1951 - May, 2024) who believed that cancer was a fungus.
2:47:01 Carmen's feedback, mentioned that she uses crystal type deodorant~not sure what it is...
2:47:20 Scott advises against that as it contains ammonium sulfates and he suggested the baking soda directly on the underarm. He also used the crystals years ago, but stopped as the baking soda is an affordable option.
2:48:00 Carmen grateful asks for confirmation of the use of crystal deodorants and thanks - Scott clarifies that they are not good to use and there are simpler options.
2:48:29 Lila shares that MMS/Baking soda is an option and can be applied topically and are very affordable options... she will place links in JC Fam channel: Suggested using the 1000 protocol as directed. Sending love as Carmen's healing.
2:49:47 Carmen responds to Lila asking for clarification regarding the ingestion of MMS. Wonders if this would be helpful to heal her mouth infection due to root canal. Recently found out that she is low on B12. Using Dr. Group's website to locate another supplement however, takes a 1/4 dose of recommendation due to her sensitivity. She confirms that mammograms are not an option. Thanks all who spoke today.
2:51:45 Lila advises that the reactions may have been a herxing reaction and Chlorine Dioxide may be a better option for her and is made for sensitive people like her.
2:54:43 Nancy J. Shares that she is currently healing this same way, referenced her feelings at the onset was paralyzing fear. Now using the Immunotherapy and recognizes that it's not coming from outside the body as in an attack on the body, it's her body's way of keeping itself in balance. Something is out of balance in the frequencies or energy. Believes that she is experiencing this for a higher purpose to help others in the future on this same journey. Spoke of subliminal meditations and InnerTalk: Subliminal Self-Help Technologies - Orin Therapies, Source provides, if you believe.
2:59:48 Carmen thanks Lila, Justin, Nancy for the additional shares and advises her fear of doctors and the tools they suggest. Glad she mentioned this and got the confirmation she needed.
3:01:40 Nancy J. Suggests Carmen continues to trust in her instincts.
3:01:50 Justin thanks all who participated in today's conversations and closes the show with another song from Nickel Creek: "The Lighthouse's Tale"