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Justin Carpenter

Quest-i-on - Quest to turn šŸ‘šŸ’”09-AUG-24

Artist played: Dawes


-The Precipice

-What's coming with the EBS/Disclosure

-Will there be an "earth wide evacuation"?

-Significance of hair

-Not making assumptions

-Hybrid beings? Aliens?

-Manifesting correctly

-What is the significance of bloodlines if we are souls?

-Can we eliminate ego/evil completely?

Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...

Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!

Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here

A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you šŸ™

Thanks Donadica for these notes/timestamps!

Quest.i.on August 9th, 2024 ~~ Time Stamps

27:00 Justin's Announcements ~~

42:45 Roseann G. Asks: How will the EBS/Disclosure happen? What will the transition time look like? Any thoughts Justin has on this topic are welcomed ~

Justin's response ~ Only at the precipice will people find the will to change ~ Q said it had to be done this way for a reason.

We chose this path ~ The Great Awakening and Nothing can stop what's coming. Judgment Day ~ WWIII ~ Financial Collapse ~ controlled seeming chaos... and 4-6% will be lost forever as per Q alerts. There will be 10 Days of Darkness with nothing else available to watch/consume or stream... devices won't work as usual. Author Larken Rose said 'Authority is the most dangerous superstition...'

~ The time of prophecy fulfilled. One may ask...

1:11:16 What Can I do to Prepare?: Do the work needed. Recognize that it will be difficult and brace yourself for the impact.... All while realizing that this is all happening for us. ~ The highest good.

1:12:15 Roseann's follow up ~ Looking forward to all being on the same page and the time of revelation revealed ~ Where we can all see things more clearly.

1:14:25 Justin's final thoughts on this ~ Why? Because we are the Lighthouse in the Darkness ~

1:15:10 Ginny G. Will there be a World Evacuation Event? A Solar Flash and a Split... as in alignment with the Galactic Federation?

Justin's response ~ It's important for us to remember these things revealed are not always literal. We have nowhere else to go ~ The Sun is a luminary and this is simply the change of times... not a change in venue per se. These are mostly symbolic images that take place internally as we step into the higher timeline ~ because the old is going away and the new will be revealed... As within, so without, as above, so below, as the universe, so the Soul...

Galactic Federation ~ Angels ~ you. We have nothing to fear ~ All will be made clear.

1:27:12 Ginny's Feedback ~

1:27:13 We Shall See

1:28:56 Tracey T. Speaks on hair and the role it plays as antenna... Can you offer any further insights?

1:35:30 Justin Responds. Studies done with Native Americans. Research on the hair and its impact if cut. Internal and Spiritual practices all around the hair.

1:40:50 Tracey gives feedback ~ positive reflections of the hair and maintenance of it.

1:45:50 Beth B. Speaks of her Native American heritage. Adds information about the military short hair requirements. As well as hair loss due to stress and traumas... including dogs having issues with this and Stress/trauma relation as well.

1:51:15 Beth's recent travels, revelations, reviews, realizations and healing of past traumas and injuries. Remembering the Mirkwood series on Portals. The recognition of visible growth on this journey.

1:58:40 Justin responds: Regarding the teachings from ā€œThe Four Agreementsā€ book and Not taking things personally. Kudos on the powerful transformation and for sharing this with the group today.

2:00:56 Tracey adds some feedback regarding doing the Inner Child work

2:02:04 Our higher self communications with the Inner Child. The healing phases and temporary setbacks. Childhood memories and re-learning the 'Child-like' ways. Release and self-realizations in synchronicity

2:07:25 Beth replies regarding the Inner Child.

2:08:07 Justin adds details regarding the layers of duality - Father/Mother; Yin/Yang; Masculine/Feminine yet becoming the Trinity Father/Mother/Child. Reflections of this Childlike innocence as being a 'precious treasure'.

2:12:02 Tracey thanks ~ Justin response. End

2:13:29 Written question sent in Truth Variant (Christine) ~ Are there hybrid beings and people surrounding us that are not necessarily godly or "godmade" ~ curious to know who is living amongst us and I'm starting to sense that there are a lot of different "beings". I know Justin says there are no aliens, but I question what the definition of alien is.

Justin's feedback ~ Outer space? Innerspace All layers of consciousness. All exist ~ All angels/angles of Light Hybrid beings? God's creation is flawless. Genetic tampering ~ Cabal experimentation attempts at cloning all came with difficulty. The layers of our "Junk DNA" and human potential when we follow The Way. As per many Ascended Masters teachings... These are Allegories and when taken literally, can cause confusion. ~ End

2:30:48 Jeff ~ Manifestation questions and growth seen over the last few years.

2:31:20 Justin responds ~ We have a birthright connecting the forces of love ~ Speaking of prayers to work within us.

Alignment with the highest good God's will. How Human Design plays into this as well... and our unique inner authority. Past experiences generally come back when we still need to learn more from them... or have more work to do ~ see this as an opportunity to grow. Patience is a virtue. Manifest from a place of abundance, rather than lack ~ we resonate at that higher rate to move past the old paradigms.

2:39:45 Jeff's response

2:42:07 Justin suggests looking into his Through the Eye of JC channel for the YouTube video posted about Divine Timing We are stepping into The New now...

2:46:05 Lila offers feedback ~ "Let it Be Enough" mantra. Lessons learned around manifestation.

2:49:46 Justin offers additional information on Balance and the 'Perfect State'

2:51:30 Written questions sent in by Phillip P. ~ Can you explain why bloodlines are so important, if we are souls that incarnate into a body?

Justin responds: DNA stores so much technology that all replication attempts can barely even come close to touching. Soul incarnations are attracted to families having done the most and highest good. Yeshua and Mary Magdalene Bloodlines and why they are sought after.

3:00:25 Darth Phaedras adds perspective on the 80/20 Rule or the Pareto Principle. Highlighting that the Systems have caused people to stumble and less so the factors of Good and Evil Bloodlines.

3:08:00 Justin responds with more details on Ego and keeping all diligence. Along with humor and compassion to be mindful, stay humble and maintain humility.

3:16:20 As warriors we stay 'Armor Ready' ~~ Stay Aware.

3:16:57 Written Question regarding a video shared... Is this person truly JFK Jr? Justin replies ~ There have been many people who have attempted to profit off the movement and deceive the people with videos such as these. We Shall See ~

3:21:00 Darth Phaedras speaks of what the con-artist has gotten away with in the past and in The New World to come... When the System is no more... these things will not be possible... as all will have eyes to see.

3:24:30 Justin adds further thoughts on Darth's share and cites ā€œThe Most Dangerous Superstitionā€ is once again our Belief in Authority...

3:26:40 ~ END


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