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Quest-i-on - Quest to turn šŸ‘šŸ’”08-NOV-24

Justin Carpenter

Artist played: Florence + The Machine

Topics Discussed:

-Is Jesus God?

-Why do we keep putting Jesus back on the cross?

-How do I feel about feeding my dog meat?

-How do we approach sharing hard hitting truth with someone?

-What is a "ruler"? How are we shifting?

-Emotion feminine and logic masculine balance

Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...

Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!

Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here

A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you šŸ™

Thanks Donadica for the notes! Make sure to give her channel a follow for more amazing shares:

Quest.I.On Notes and Time Stamps November 8, 2024

8:28 Florence + The Machine Songs "Third Eye" and "Free" Justin's song decode and further details on their music history.

25:00 Welcome; announcements; Review of last week's Events; Election Live; Christspiracy WatchParty

; FQXHOLE Foundation; Also discussions and links to Justinā€™s ā€˜Quick Fixā€™ clip and ā€˜Only at the Precipiceā€™ teaching ; Discussions around The Plan as it is unfolding in the now.

40:36 Question from Sabine: Wonders why so many speak of God in the flesh; worship Jesus as God? Any thoughts on this?

41:21 Justin responds: Siting religious distortions; Yeshua is God and so are you. Nothing in creation that's not God or exists outside of God. We are all of God; some of the biggest lies told; Jesus is the Son of God~We are all children of God. Satanism is a view of myself above all else. Yes, there's free will, attachment and suffering; We're careful not to let the satanic power take control, like a parasite feeding within.

49:33 Sabine thankful for reply; refers to the faith from her childhood and considers God as Sourceā€” All of Creation; and people who 'worship Jesusā€™ as he died/was crucified for us/our sins~Why is that?

51:07 Justin replies ~ speaking of dark spells that take hold; self-loathing~donā€™t work; The etymology of Demon: De-Take Mon-Mono; These spells making us out to be worthless sinners; The facade to worship~actually takes us further away from God (false idol); to be lowly, groveling as a form of control; putting our faith into anything outside ourselves then leaves us open to b controlled. When we serve Goodness/God; We don't just worship God with idol worship; We do good and be good. Even the cross and the depiction of the death of Jesus is a glorified 'death cult' glorifies violence; The only cross that is balanced is the Cross of Malta; other crosses make a mockery of The Christ and our stupidity for worshipping the death culture; We have the four-fold Nature of Man.

58:34 Sabine's commentary: was raised to believe that Yeshua died on a pole rather than a cross, but who is also Alive, a living being who came here to teach us how to love each other and support community; was a creator and we are all created by a Divine Creator; desires to move out of indoctrination and get clear; speaks of the movie ā€œChristspiracyā€ ( and how it will shake us all awake.

1:02:20 Justin's feedback: regarding the eating of flesh and blood sacrifice; all surrounding a death. Worshipping life rather than death; being in ā€˜sinā€™ ā€” meaning when we step away from connection.

1:05:47 Darth adds that the teachings of Jesus Christ bears little resemblance to the modern Christian church, mostly due to its connection to the Catholic Church. James 2:14 states 'What does it profit my brothers, if a man has faith but not works~Faith without works is dead'; "All evil needs to triumph, is for good people to do nothing" (generally attributed to Edmund Burke); God rules heaven; Christic energy should be within us all; The devil rules Earth; Catholic Church taught that 'Paradise was in some other place...' and 'weā€™ll just have to wait for Jesus to come back...' The Jehovah's Witnesses have their variations of these teachings. You can only be saved by being saved. Jesus was the Christā€”we should all be a Christic force, for good. Paradise is right hereā€”right now, we should all have Christ Energy with us. Do good/Be good.

1:12:00 Justin agrees, thanks Darth for sharing. Also shares PaisLea's Telegram channel: Giving Voice To The Eternal Truths of Our Divinity:

1:13:25 Offline question related to the Christspiracy...regarding the feeding of animals and what they should be consuming: Justin's dog eats 5 days of fruit; 1 day of meat; 1 day of fasting...Justin's live with Lauren Whiteman ā€œNatural Nourishmentā€™

1:30:33 Lila B. would like to have otherā€™s input as to how theyā€™re dealing with the dismay of our counterparts who supported a different winner in this election; From the Human Design perspective, how might it be best to interact, based upon the type and strategy?

1:36:51 Justin shares his type and strategy in that whatever his perspective is; keeping his posts on his own channels and pages.

1:41:13 HeatherJoy commentary; it's not our job to wake anyone else up; we do the work on ourselves; responding in ego; still standing your ground in a loving way.

1:44:15 Justin agrees this makes sense, it's been effectiveā€”cannot say that it's across the board however, as he's also seen when there are others who have been called to shake things up and sometimes thatā€™s necessary; Ideas concepts lovingly shared under God's guidance.

1:47:41 Lila finds it a bit of challenge within the Q movement as 33% are Manifesting Generators; digital warriors; God's designed crosses within Human Design as in the Cross of Shock; doing the work on ourselves, healing our own wounds first; all fascinating to see how these play out.

1:53:28 Heather Joy agrees that she realized that she had to address the work within before responding. Responding vs Reacting; first learn yourself.

1:56:52 Lila adds that de-conditioning takes 7+yrs; relates a personal story about getting to know herself and living true; How do we bridge the left and right; those dealing with ā€œTDS" and those who believe Anarchy is the way to go; Christed energy with our work beginning after the disclosure; we as Christic Beings then come in and heal. Thankful to Justin for this space to speak about these topics.

2:02:26 Justin shares thoughts on the word "Anarchy" in etymology Anā€”Arcon = Without Rulersā€”this would be the ideal state, where there are no rulers; We are managing our ego internally; how to use the power of full consciousness:

2:04:16 Lila shares study of a "Ruler" as in old French word meaning "To control, to direct in a straight line" and more etymology. Clarifies that she spoke of "anarchy" as in "unhealed beings" and Rulers Behavior of rulers who were corrupt and the beauty of a ruler 'being the line of straight and narrow.'

2:06:17 Justin states: a truly benevolent ruler as one who established a measurement of a better or clearer way to communicate. Not to be controlling over others in domineering ways, but to better communicate.

2:07:25 Darth shares that he observes the things that make the Left the left... are that they are led by emotional operators...what they feel, is felt intensely. This makes their feelings easier to weaponize; They're right because they feel it, they feel it because of the story they are experiencing. They will come around because it's love that heals. The genius of the White Hat's perspective...

2:14:20 Justin thanks Darth for displaying ā€˜Christ-like compassionā€™; We can just offer love and come from a soulful space, trusting and carry on; allowing things to play out and offer love, we don't take things personally.

2:16:26 Lila shares that emotionality can be found on the chart of Emotional and Non-Emotional, as in, ā€˜Manifesting Generators are Emotionalā€™ ; This has been helpful for her inner-standing. Speaks of New Age in comparison; Emotions can be so pure, amazing/helpful; a larger dynamic of another being; also taking accountability being part of the emotional wave to move through this part.

2:21:32 Justin comments that Human Design has been very helpful; speaks of emotions helping or being a more cumbersome way of processing; speaking to the logic and reason of the masculine and its limits; and the feminine bringing the care and growth on the positive side; The negative being attached to that emotional side and wallowing in that place; Balance needed as well.

2:24:26 Lila shares compliments and adds that the music Justin chose was perfect to todayā€™s topic; Speaks of Florence's HD as a ā€˜highly emotional beingā€™ having components within her design; What these beings bring to earthā€”they are God's creation... and we're so grateful for the movement...

2:27:27 Darth agrees the Masculine 'logic and reason' would get things done and makes life possible. But the Feminine is what would make life worth livingā€”without emotions we really can't have a complete experience or connect to the Divine; Neither are more good or evil than others; The divide between Left and Right and between emotion and logic/reason; Important to not interfere with that process. Stay true to that which is True, In Service to goodness. We are not past the separation now, we're moving back.

2:32:45 Justin grateful for Darth's sharing and to Lila for covering this topic today.

2:33:41 Begins wrap up ~shares about two orphanages supported within this community:

2:34:41 Lila supports Hands of Hope Children's Academy

run by Lubega Sam; his YouTube channel and GoFundMe

These two orphanages are approximately 100 miles from each other ~

2:36:05 Justin shares details about Bali's Lions of Uganda Children's Ministry housing 28 children, sharing the Telegram Channel: ; or send directly to Justin by designating where youā€™d like it to go: ; this group needs $300/month please consider donating as you are able.

2:40:00 Justin shares final Florence + The Machine song lyrics and decode for the song "Shake It Out"


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