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Quest-i-on - Quest to turn šŸ‘šŸ’”03-JAN-25

Justin Carpenter

Artist played: Junip

-What's the deeper meaning of "The Lord's Prayer"?

-How many egos do we have?

-Ancient history and "stars falling"

-The power of names

Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...

Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page Creating short clips of these longer shows is super appreciated as well!

Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here

A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you šŸ™

Thank you so much Donadica for these notes! Make sure to check out her channel for more great stuff

Quest-i-on Notes and Time Stamps

Jan. 3rd, 2025

Opening song by Junip: ā€œDon't Let It Passā€œ

4:26 Justinā€™s Decode

Some listeners asked about the music for these shows; The playlist: 176 songs, can be found Justinā€™s website (Update: listener Joanna from Passionforfruit channel made a playlist on Spotify with these songs:

Shuffle or play these through and please check out Joannaā€™s channel~its amazing: ( so grateful for this and Joanna!

9:39 Justinā€™s Welcome: the Quest to illuminate the single eye: We turn that single eye on which is that connection point ~Don't let it pass ā€”Maintain that light illuminated: holding on to that connection with the Divine.

10:00 Show description and updates ā€”All questions are welcomed; Justin shares update on his ventures: Returned to Upstate New York staying at Darth and Joanna's place; Getting back in the routine; Enjoying being back in the space; Had a wonderful trip reconnecting and seeing lots of family and friends, this winter transition season. As we move through this wintry time ~ Hopes you find it within you to continue shedding all that no longer servesā€”So that we can prepare for spring and new life. Weā€™re here now In the dead of winterā€”

Previous shows heā€™s shared he spent time in North Carolina, helping the Foxhole Foundation deliver aid and supplies, RVā€™s and campers to those in need since the hurricane and floods. As promised there a video to share showing all theyā€™ve been doing, so you can witness whatā€™s been going on while there. And they're still continuing with many more effortsā€”Jeff is constantly working; He, Evan and Nadine are working constantly either online doing different podcasts and spreading the message or out working in the field. Its amazing the amount of workā€¦truly a wonderful group of people:

***Video created by Deirdre Looney on YT:

25:30 Written question from Alicia: asking about the Lordā€™s Prayer and what deeper meaning can be found beyond what the church has provided. .

26:08 Justinā€™s response: Shares traditional prayer spoken in most churches with the literal translation. Although beautiful, its power was diluted from the original meaning and translation in Aramaic:

Shares link/posted on JC Family: The initial line ā€œOur Father Who are in Heavenā€; link provides the original Aramaic translation for each line of the traditional prayer shows different interpretations translated from the Aramaic for every line of the prayer.

Thereā€™s no inherent separation thatā€™s forced to divide us because we are connected, and that's the kingdom when our domain is centered and connected. We invite that kingdom to come knowing that we have fallen into the forgetfulness; we strayed from the path; an invitation to reunify and allow that divine influence (which is you, it's you in your highest form) to flow through you.

We forget and so stray, go into wild paths and dead-end/cul-de-sacs. But it will lead us back to the importance of letting the highest will flow through us; Allows us the ability to recognize the abundance of creation; weā€™re always given exactly what needed. Forgiveness is essential to living, the life path requires it, without it, weā€™re never free. This is not a doormat scenario nor allowing others who do careless things to continue to path of harm, but its all about whatā€™s in the heart, we offer the invitation not punishment.

Boundaries are important; some have misinterpreted that Jesus allowed everything to happenā€”saying ā€˜love and light; forgive everyoneā€™ ; however, weā€™re also to hold others accountable; he gave us the best example of this stating: ā€œForgive them Father for they know not what they doā€¦ā€ noted in the gospelā€”this was the ultimate forgiveness; not to stand by and allow harm to happenā€” but we can have forgiveness for it, knowing it comes from pain, ignorance and suffering. The way to healā€” is to move through that; Often weā€™re much harder on ourselves than others: Release the weight; have grace and forgiveness.

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil; ā€”Donā€™t allow surface things delude us, but free us from what holds us back from our true purpose; let us not enter forgetfulness ā€” the temptation of false appearances. Deliver us from evil which is the the worst form of these temptations can lead us to ā€”and step back into consciousness because the unconscious will lead us to that.

The ending withā€¦Thine is the kingdom, power and glory forever ~ Amen: This is where true the true kingdom the true power and true glory exists everything else is an illusion. It's pulling us away from that; again thereā€™s purpose for it; this creates the sine wave and cyclical nature, pull and push of creation. This expansive experience continues expanding, in order to harmonize, we come back to that remembrance; where power and glory resides: An invitation to come back.

The site's interpretation and Justinā€™s additions are detailedā€¦ This prayer is to recite and remember and its higher meanings behind it and the power of the uttered words from the original text.

49:23 Written question from Izzy asking how many egos can a person have; possibly altered egos? ā€”how can you tell them apart?

49:38 Justin responds: In lore and its descriptions devil/deceiver is shown to have many faces, names: in the new seriesā€” Lord of the Rings: Rings of Powerā€”Sauron often speaks of having been called many names: He represents satan, the deceiver; ultimately what our egos can become. Not demonizing the ego, because it's a necessary part of this experience. This is what the ego can turn into, when we let the ego run the show. It will attempt to dominate the experience and pursue its selfish desires. Thereā€™s no endā€” a bottomless pit. Essentially its been tasked to deceive god ā€”how do you trick god into it not being god anymore?

God gave us this amazing, yet terrifying aspect of this experience; one of its functions acts as a training mechanism; a sparring partner of sortsā€¦ If allowed, it will take over ā€”and wreak havoc, until we until we get up and take ownership again. Its somewhat of a gatekeeper for higher spiritual power. Each level manifests in a different way; It's important to remember that anyone who claims they have ā€œNo egoā€ or have completely addressed it should be handled with caution. Such claims suggest, their ego has deceived them to the extent that they believe it no longer existsā€”when, in reality, the ego is still firmly in control. They are then vulnerable to acting on selfish desires, no matter how the ego attempts to hide itself. Ego will disguise itself, mimic your voice, in attempts to convince you that you are your thoughts; We are not our thoughts, and not the voice of the ego;

Remember that the ego has countless faces, manifests in multiple ways. We donā€™t need to live in fear, rather a state of readinessā€”always prepared. Itā€™s unclear how we fell into this current experience, or lost the higher state of being that we once had; its evident we were far more advanced in the past. The remnants of ancient civilizations and their sophisticated structures, clearly indicate, that we are no longer at that height. Somehow, the ego crept back in, twisting spiritual power into a tool for domination and control; and likely played a role in our decline.

A key lesson proving the importance of doing the inner work to ensure ego doesnā€™t take over; Do not let it convince you it (is) you. That said, ego itself, isnā€™t inherently evil. Potential to become destructive is there, however, it serves a higher purpose in its rightful place. Providing character to embody; Allowing a fluid role to play, and for us to adapt and enjoy the experience. Ego serves as connection point to the physical realm, enables us to navigate this externalized, simulated experience.

Ego is like fireā€”itā€™s powerful, purposeful, and necessary, but also dangerous if uncontrolled. Mastering the ego is akin to mastering fire: we must learn to wield it without letting it consume us. There are altered identities due to MK-ultra (mind control) techniques and trauma that one can attempt to split someoneā€™s persona or ego in many different ways ~ its something to note yet, it doesnā€™t mean multiple egosā€”just that egoā€™s being seemingly split.

56:59 Written question from Rowan: asking about evidence of a time where the stars had fallen?

Justin responds: "When looking back into old records, there seems to be a point where the stars are said to have fallen; Thereā€™s little specific information to add about that; when digging through ancient texts/historical accounts, things quickly become unclear. We've been told that, prior to 1871, much of our historical knowledge is fragmented. We can piece some things together with evidence of significant events that occurred. On the timeline, the appearance of certain figures, and cataclysms wiped out populations and such, the details get muddled quickly.

As for evidence of the stars falling; this may point to form of cataclysm. Whether it was literalā€”stars falling from the firmamentā€”or symbolic, such as a volcanic eruption or other event, is unknown. We know written records will play an important role; beyond those, thereā€™s the possibility of accessing the Akashic recordsā€”a history that we all have access to, but have forgotten how to tap into; Access is difficult to achieve. Historians of the future will become more attuned to these records. Interpreting such information has its challenges. Misinterpretations may happen, especially when ego is at play. Channeling can be a pure way to connect to the divine, it too can also be influenced by personal biases. The cleaner we becomeā€”body, mind, and soulā€”the less likely we are to fall into such misinterpretations.

Itā€™s exciting and daunting at once, to rediscover and map out these events. Uncovering how little we truly know and how much of our history was misrepresented, weā€™ll have an opportunity to reconstruct the past. Weā€™ll need to explore: how events shaped humanity, what came afterā€¦ How did devolution bring about the state we find ourselves in? Understanding this, will help harmonize creation.

Speaking of these cataclysms, is not meant to cause alarm. Earth has a natural cleansing process, much like a cullingā€”the term often used to describe thinning a population, though its not condoned, its a natural culling that occurs if we fail to harmonize with earth. Discordant energy builds, if our emotions and actions are out of alignment with the planet. Failure to release it can escalate, eventually resulting in large-scale eventsā€”we might refer to as cataclysms. These arenā€™t punishments but rather the earthā€™s way of restoring balance.

No need to fear when hearing of these events; not an end but an opportunity to begin again. Like deathā€”itā€™s a chance to improve next time. These natural cycles are invitations to grow, to harmonize with the earth and each other, helping us align more closely with creation.ā€

The Bhagavad Gita says its changing must always be unreal. What is constant or permanent must always be real. The Altman or eternal all-pervading self never exists. It is the only reality. The phenomenal world of name and forms is ever changing. Names and forms are subject to decay and death. Hence theyā€™re unreal or impermanent. And yet, because they, even though theyā€™re unreal, they still exert force.

In the tale of Rumpelstiltskin: The millerā€™s daughter is forced to spin straw into gold by the kingā€¦this demon-creature helps her to do it, but demands her first born child as payment; As the tale continuesā€¦After she becomes Queen, she has a child and the demon comes to collectā€¦however sheā€™s given the chance to keep the child if she can guess his name in three days. Once having learned his name, she gains power over the demon and is able to protect her child. Many ancient myths exist about the power of names. In occult practices, names are considered to hold significant power: the belief that knowing someone's true name, grants a degree of control over them, allowing for magical influence, the use of that name and rituals or spells. This concept is referred to as the law of namesā€”meaning the true name can be used to manipulate energy or destinyā€¦that brings about the persons own enslavement. The legal system uses this concept within the courtsā€¦the first thing they do is attempt to associate people with a name. Once contained by the legal name, they exert power over the person. Standing our ground and responding: ā€˜I have no name, I am not this thingā€¦ā€™ or ā€˜People sometimes call me that, but I am not thatā€™ ā€¦ weā€™ll reject the legal Straw-man.

Ancient cultures had the Doctrine of Names: According to the Confucian system: people had names, but the name was always associated with the task being done: Ruler, Father, Subject, Smith, Carpenter or Warrior. One thing that the Cabal has been able to remove: is that many, donā€™t know the meaning of their own name; Weā€™re not allowed to choose their own name. Originally in very ancient culture (beyond written documentation) people spoke in the language of Angels. They spoke telekinetically or empathetically: the nature of communication.

Mankind existed without the spoken word or namesā€¦we were more collective in nature, less individuality. Because all were (basically) like the same person, none were differentiated by namesā€¦then I am you ā€”you are me. Mankind was more collective, but the egoā€”the dialectic, which divides things, continued its work. People became individualistic (not necessarily a bad thing, but necessaryā€”it happened) ā€” The spiritual tongue was lost and we were restricted to intellectual language and physical speech. Because we could not hear the otherā€™s thought and only heard what was physically spoken: names were needed. They were utilitarian and transitory in natureā€”a person could go by several namesā€¦However, tyranny is dependent upon us not being capable: Names were restricted to one name, chosen by parentsā€¦ In order to change it meant having to go through the legal expenseā€¦

Darth often asks the meaning of othersā€™ namesā€¦many donā€™t know it. Within the Great Awakening or Great Noticing (heā€™s noticed) people have been breaking away from their matrix names and taking on new names and their power back. (More research can be done for another show in future days)ā€¦

Another topic Darth wished to cover today is that he has received some donations on a fairly regular basis and they always come at the perfect time: he expressed his gratitude for the sacrifice made as this has come as a big relief during this time. For the moment his name is ā€œGratitudeā€ and ā€œThank Youā€ ā€”

2:23:25 Justin thanks Darth; expresses appreciation for all he brought forth today. Mentions to help Darth and Johanna with the work they do and allows more freedom to be able to put together even brief presentations like weā€™ve just enjoyed. To help out in any way, please find the donation links on the House Jedidiah chat telegram channel.

There youā€™ll find Darthā€™s library which is an amazing resource. You can also find multiple donation links listed as well. Any and all donations will be greatly appreciatedā€¦

1:24:53 Darth mentions one additional thing regarding: power of names. The focus has been on the use of names to ourselves, or the use of names on peopleā€”In society, titles like doctor, judge or police officer evoke specific psychological responses and social authority. In occult however, there are both spiritual forces and names hold a deeper significance; both benevolent (angels) and malevolent (demons) are assigned specific names that can cause a tangible reaction in the physical construct.

According to King Solomon, he was able to invoke the names of both angels and demons to aid in construction and warfare. In Ancient European culture, warriors would invoke specific demons names to induce berserker rage states. The practice of naming and invoking spiritual forces continues in our modern religious traditions, particularly in Catholic and Christian circles by invoking names of Jesus Christ, Michael the Archangel or Divine names of Yahweh or Jehovah for the purpose of controlling the organization or for faith healings.

1:27:20 Justin agrees this is a great reminder: Uttering a sound is frequency. How that frequency is formed with our mouth holds the pattern. Pouring our collective consciousness into that name and what it represents, even if the name doesnā€™t align (say with) Jesus Christ. (Jesus wasnā€™t his real name) and its become solidified in the consciousness of some; that name holds power because weā€™ve poured energy into that vibration/frequency. This is how names can be evoked with powerā€”wielding the same frequency. Its important to note that.

Josh X has also brought this forward: looking at the word ā€œnameā€ and recognizing, breaking it up into two syllables, two words. Name is : NA-ME : its not-me. Identifying too strongly with a name can cause problemsā€”it can even be used against us, like in the legal systemā€” names represent corporate entities rather than living beings. This system manipulates one to play roles in a scripted, simulated reality. By identifying with the name, we unknowingly allow it control.

The solution, as taught by Christ and other enlightened beings, is sovereignty: letting go of attachments and identifications, including our name. Names arenā€™t inherently bad, but they become limiting when we over-identify with them. True freedom comes when we realize we are not our name, body, or identity. Then, no external force can control us, as we step beyond the mind games tied to identity.

1:33:02 Darth reminds: names hold power in this construct. For example: scammers exploit the weight of a name for personal gain. Names even connect to the 'seven names of God'ā€”I Am, I will, I do, I feel, I speak, I see, I knowā€”an interconnected equation of creation. Each step leads to the next, with speech as the bridge: Our words create reality; itā€™s impossible for God (Who is God?-our speech) to lie because what we speak manifests. However, conflicting words cancel each others outā€”deliberate and consistent speech is crucial. If we speak just that one thing and hold that intent for 17seconds; its going to happen.

We want to speak deliberately: Instead of saying, 'Iā€™m sick,' say, 'Iā€™m detoxing,' ā€¦keep focus on growth and healing. Words shape our experience, especially for those we love, so we must use them consciously.

Its all the same source of fear, allowing the separation spell to take hold and causes harm to others. This sickness can also invade all of us; Once exposed, then comes the work to heal and harmonize within it. Certainly weā€™ll move more gracefully into a space where we donā€™t need language and spoken word nearly as much. Thereā€™s a sense that weā€™ll still choose to use it for the beautiful expression that weā€™ve been able to glean from it. Goodness is always within everything.

Language allowed poetic expression, theater plays, movies, and shows where we act out stories these are essential. We need to have names, language and all of that to do it; enjoying it all, without getting carried away or allowing it to take overā€”its got to be addressed within ourselves.

1:46:43 Lila adds footnote: the power of ā€œI Amā€ and also the power of ā€œMyā€ In assisting a woman with cancer, sheā€™s been calling it ā€œMy cancerā€¦ā€ The power of ownership is important: The power of I Am . . . and being mindful with that as well. This is true with any ailmentā€¦some will say ā€œmy bad knee; bad hipā€¦ā€ its all spell-casting. Making something yours that would otherwise move through ones field in a momentā€¦

1:48:15 Justin agrees, yes Anytime weā€™re possessing something, it's identification adding strength to that experience. Creation is brutal in many ways in that, it gives us exactly what we energetically ask forā€¦its the energy we embody. Claiming, owning sending out signals to the Universe that youā€™d like more of thatā€¦and it delivers. Be mindful of the words and thoughts weā€™re possessing and identifying with, it; we have the power to change that. This wonā€™t vanish magicallyā€¦but rather it begins to shift and once we energetically leave the openness for the Divine to bring in the blissful experience; Invite it in, reach out and ask to embody that, live it and be it.

1:49:54 Lila interjects agreeing ā€”recently she had stitches and the practitioner kept saying ā€œyour stitchesā€™ā€¦ being very mindful how she was (receiving) hearing it and she responded back to the practitionerā€” ā€œthe stitchesā€ She shares additional information about this appointmentā€¦prescription medications-all leading to an opportunity to hold steady in the face of science/medicine and holistic options; Choices made gave opportunity and allowed her to feel empowered to stand her ground regarding healthcare issues. The medical industry, is hoodwinked in this area she feels; they lost the old wisdom ā€” not a product of a wise societyā€¦its up to us to make the change we wish to see; moving away from the use of allopathic medicine completelyā€¦further continues to remind that we need to watch our words about ailments.

1:54:18 Darth shares his thoughts on how the name of original natural medicine was changed to ā€œalternative medicineā€ā€¦its the real medicine yet they call it the ā€˜alternativeā€™ā€¦The poison is within the petrochemical of mainstream medicine; theyā€™re constantly ā€œreframingā€concepts like ā€”conspiracy theorists. The attempt on the presidentā€™s life was an assassination attempt; but anyone rebutting the official narrative is then labeled ā€œa conspiracy theoristā€¦ā€

80% of people operate with a very low consciousness; theyā€™re very susceptible to these names. Thatā€™s why we should stand in our power, take control of our names and take control of the names of the ideas around us. Whomever is intolerant ā€”the most intolerant group wins; we should have zero tolerance for the use of derogatory terms, insulting names toward important things. Thatā€™s why scripture refers to that ā€œHallowed be thy nameā€¦ā€ We should make certain that our names are sacred, not allowing anyone to impugn our names.

1:56:14 Tracey adding to Lilaā€™s share states: In a similar wayā€¦regarding not naming the issue and spell-casting. She recalls a previous chat that took place on Telegramā€¦mentions ā€œShadow Workā€ and how she felt shifts while doing that work. She recalls how previously sheā€™d slip and make statements like, my back hurts or another part hurtsā€¦ and now however focuses on her healing feelings. She consciously says it, to adjust into a gratitude mindset. Gives an example: ā€˜This is goodā€”Iā€™m healingā€™ or ā€˜Iā€™m grateful to feelā€¦ā€™. ā€™Iā€™m alive/breathingā€™ ā€”acknowledging the healing involved in that feeling and the entire process. She daily works towards shifting complaints to acknowledgment of the healing process; shifting back into a lighter, more positive stateā€¦even when the pain is hard to ignore or coming from multiple sources. This has been helpful to re-write the way she speaks and thinksā€¦also siting the need to give ourselves grace in the processā€¦over time this becomes more natural and gradually shifts away from old programming.

2:00:42 Justin agrees yes, examining the occasions weā€™ve been casting spells and rewrite them. Having grace with ourselves in this process is key. Every time we can re-examine the language used and thoughts also, it invites a softer kind of approach with thisā€”over time it becomes easier as its an evolving process to remove the indoctrination. He continues: For those who cannot join us on the live calls, questions can always be sent directly to him: @JustinCarpenter. Also be aware, thereā€™s been attempts to impersonate him; if you are unsure of who you are speaking with-visit ( there youā€™ll find all his official links. Thereā€™s a connect tab where you can message him directly on his website or leave a public comment if you have questions or concerns. Much appreciation for all questions received.

2:03:45 Belinda interjects: Thankful for todayā€™s conversation: Regarding names she wonders how our parents choose them?ā€”Names have frequencies and carry value in Gematria. She wonders how parents select a good name for their children? Could they be guided by God to find the perfect name; each name seems to suit the person itā€™s given to. Refers to Justinā€™s name having a beautiful frequency, as does her ownā€¦and she wonders if he considered this?

2:05:05 Justin responds affirmatively: Gods works through everything ā€”even the egoā€”nothing happens without Divine influence. The name weā€™re given at birth is no exception; thereā€™s divine inspiration behind our parentsā€™ choice. Nothing is a coincidence or accidentalā€”it all happens with purpose. Thereā€™s much to discover about the meaning of namesā€¦Exploring its significance through tools like Gematria or other methods can reveal its deeper insights and make it even more powerful. While our name can teach us and carry meaning, itā€™s also important not to overly identify with it. We can use it as long as we like, but it doesnā€™t define who we are or hold any power over us. Recognizing the energetic frequency that came through our name and exploring its purpose is a beautiful practice. Grateful to Belinda for her thoughtful question.

2:07:24 Darth adds scripture: Ephesians 3:14 that says, "For this reason, I bow my knees before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named. Our names are divine in nature and are borrowed from the Absolute Divine, which cannot be contained by any single name, yet within it are contained all names, both good and evil. All names belong to the Absolute Divine, which we borrow from our parents. Because they come from the Divine and are sacred.

Weā€™re responsible to keep our names pure, clean, and honorable. In Revelation 3:12 the scripture state "The one who is victorious, I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God. And I will also write on them my new name."

These depict a divine principle that those who work on keeping themselves pure and storing up ā€˜treasure in heavenā€™ may acquire a Divine name that shows attributes in essence. Many ancient scriptures describe how people's names changed upon developing a special relationship with the Divine. Example: Abram left the land of Ur followed God's instructions; He made a covenant with God and God changed his name to Abraham, and his wife's name from Sarai to Sarah. The same happened with Jacob becoming Israel.

When naming his own children, the meanings were deeply contemplated. His oldest son Jonathan Armand - Jonathan means "Given by the Lord" and Armand means "soldier," so together it means "A soldier given by the Lord." He has lived up to this name as a strong young man who serves his family with dedication. While parents can choose meaningful names; when children come of age, they should have the sovereignty to choose or borrow new names if they wish.

2:11:49 Belinda also offers further commentary on topic: her daughter Zenia Rosita uses ā€œRositaā€ on social media. Sheā€™s called Zenia, based on Zen Buddhism, though only Belinda and her mother use this name. Her son Tyrone has a powerful name that matches his strong characterā€¦thankful for the conversation around this subject.

2:12:58 Justin offers his gratitude for all the shares on todayā€™s show: Reminder heā€™ll be off next week to Orlando and also the time and day of this show will be shifting to a day/time that works best for everyoneā€¦

Justin decodes the closing song by June called: ā€œLine of Fireā€ ~


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