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Justin Carpenter

Quest-i-on - Quest to turn šŸ‘šŸ’”02-AUG-24

Artist played: The Head and the Heart


-Vipassana vs Kriya - Perfect Match?

-Reacting vs responding

-Does remaining neutral mean we can't have fun?

-Trying to control a "good" experience paradox

-Faith over Fear

-The Feminine/Faith guides

-Why do we self sabotage?

Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...

Here's one of the amazing chats we have on my Telegram Channel "Justin Carpenter". To join in live for future conversations or for updates in Telegram, feel free to join my channel If there notes/timestamps have been submitted, they will be below the show video. Don't see notes/timestamps and you'd like to help out by writing them? That's always very much appreciated... You can reach me on telegram or on my connect page

Like the music shared in these shows? Find a playlist of most of them that will be updated here

A big thank you to all who help make what I do possible! I am 100% donation supported and if you'd like to help support the work, please visit Sharing the content is always appreciated also. Thank you šŸ™

Thank you Donadica for these notes and timestamps!

Quest.i.on August 2nd, 2024 ~~ Time Stamps

25:21 T. Tuvstarr shares updates and commentary on Justin's travels and recent experiences with Vipassana meditation and upcoming travel plans. Healing modalities of Sea Moss, Orin, Sun and Moon gazing as well.

31:40 Justin responds regarding his moon-gazing/tanning experiences at the Vipassana retreat being near Joshua Tree. It was a very powerful full moon experience.

32:42 Justin shares further information on the vast difference at the 10-day silent retreat and getting back into the mode of speaking again. He advised that he would struggle to think of something that was more rewarding and challenging at the same time as this retreat was both.

33:47 When Justin returned and turned on his phone and saw some of the things that had taken place in the world between computer crashes and being basically thrust back into all that had happened, he was able to stay in the ā€˜here and nowā€™ and the equanimity of all things.

35:15 Justin shares on the complementary practices of Kriya and Vipassana meditations. Additionally, he will continue experimenting with both and share regular updates. For now, he has incorporated 30 mins of Vipassana followed by 45+ minutes of Kriya for a total of 90+ mins in the rising hours and another session of Vipassana in the evening before retiring for bed.

41:35 He additionally recommends finding a center to learn Vipassana, as classes fill up quickly due to no charge, and shares the Vipassana website:

42:05 Justin describes Vipassana meditation and its benefits for calming the mind and strengthening the mind-body connection. Practicing Vipassana meditation strengthens mind-body connection, while Kriya Yoga merges awareness with energy centers. Reconnecting the breath and observing, not attempting to control those; however, once the mind is calm, then you begin Body Scanning for sensations from the top of head crown chakra and not skipping any portions going down to the toes and then back up making a continuous loop.

43:35 He continues to the point of awareness and equanimity, feeling each sensation and part and how to remain neutral to each aspect realized.

45:00 Mind-Body-Soul Connections compares Vipassana and Kriya practices, finding Vipassana helpful for physical cleansing and Kriya more effective for energetic cleansing can be made with the help of these tools.

51:49 Justin shares that in recommending these, he might even consider the Vipassana meditations to be a type of prerequisite to the practice of Kriya as it is a more advanced modality. However, the combination has been a very complementary practice as well.

55:00 Taming the mind with these amazing tools has been a wonderful learning experience along Justin's journey. ~ END 56:42

57:25 Donadica asks: during Justin's silent retreat: Were you aware of or getting downloads or any type of messages, ways of knowing what was going on out in the collective/universe - if so what did you think of or how did you respond to those things?

Justin replies - he was able to see cars in the distance on the highway, so he knew things were still moving in the world and that was the mission of this retreat: to tame the monkey mind of these types of thoughts.

1:02:33 So with gentle persistence and patience, the attendees learned the equanimity and not to react beyond that as there was a seal of protection around the event to keep the attendees focused.

1:03:56 Justin was able to see the Divine reason that he went through the process and he realizes that as the time goes further into the movie these traits will be needed more and more.

1:04:25 Follow-up commentary and observations to the previous question.

1:07:00 We have awesome resources available to us in our groups ~ We have it all as it's been mentioned.

1:10:49 Jill looks forward to Justin's visit to the North East States, hopes to join him for some gatherings.

1:11:00 She would also like to know if Justin has any plans for the 8.8.24 Lion's Gate?

Justin replies that he will just be arriving back in Memphis at that time so he was not certain at that moment - were there any suggestions? Jill replied that her observation of the synchronicities lately were happening quite often, just wondered if Justin had those as well?

1:13:47 Justin speaks of visiting with Dru (@drue86) from the Cosmic Light Force channel who first brought us the teachings on Quantum TimeJumping - which was covered on the Mirkwood series back in Spring 2023. Justin will post some pictures from their gathering.

- Interlude Song "Let's Be Still" - Ends 1:23:07

1:25:08 T. Tuvstarr Commentary on previous question - Information and Disinformation coming at us. Observing what others' reactions were to the events that were unfolding in our midst. As time goes on, it's helped that we've been learning to let things be and unfold as they will.

1:34:00 Justin responds with commentary about the Vipassana giving the opportunity to still the mind and keep things flowing calmly - moving away from Reaction and learning to respond and observe - without labeling things ā€˜good or badā€™. All the work that we're doing all together is all aligning.

1:39:30 Follow-up commentary reply from T. Tuvstarr - Does that mean fun is off the table?

Justin clarifies about attachments and having fun and joy are all found within each of us.

1:46:15 Justin gives further feedback and examples of thisā€¦

1:48:22 Darth Phaedras speaks on standing on Faith as our Foundation: Faith vs Fear

1:51:20 He continues to include Spiritual Maturity commentary.

1:53:40 Justin responds and comments on the Masculine force and Feminine Flow moving us into unconditional love.

1:57:12 Liz gives an update from a previous Quest.i.on and looks forward to Justin's travels to the North East and hopes to attend some gatherings in August.

2:01:00 T. Tuvstarr would like Darth to expand on a question she had asked him regarding "Why do we Self-Sabotage"?

2:01:45 Darth replies and allocates to that question~ Angels fight for us~ Do We have faith that "good" wins. ~ End: 2:08:30

2:08:40 T. Tuvstarr comments follow-up response and expresses gratitude to Darth for his suggestions.

2:11:08 Darth Responds

2:11:30 Justin responds to the Self-Sabotage question ~ Everything happens for us ~ We can choose to tame the mind.

2:15:31 Darth reads scripture and shares some additional commentary on it.

2:17:00 He suggests we hold tight to ā€œWisdomā€ during these times.

2:19:00 End ~ Questions Closing Comments from Justin - Song share from Head and Heart.


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