Artist played: Radiohead
Topics Discussed:
-Black sun rising/shadow integration
-How do we get rid of entities/thought forms?
-How to address fungus/skin flakes on scalp?
-Thoughts on Halloween
-Human Garage/facial release
Questions are an invitation to the divine to bring us an answer. As Jesus says in Matthew 7:7 (Christ=77): "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you". So let's spend this time asking and seeking by asking Quest-i-ons on this grand Quest to illuminate the single eye... This Quest I am on...
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Thanks Donadica! Make sure to give her channel a follow
QUEST.I.ON 11.1.24 Notes and Time Stamps
Song Played: "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi" by Radiohead
6:47 Justin's Decode
14:00 Updates and announcements: Reports forthcoming on how the remaining funds gathered for the TN trip will be used for further relief efforts; Orgone Box updates, currently using the smaller version to charge the water; all tests have been working well.
22:00 Written question from Marc A.: "What are your thoughts on the Black Sun?" (video plays)
25:00 Justin's response: There's a lot in the clip and it reminded him of the song called "Black Hole Sun"; The Black Sun as a shadow, reintegrated; Perceptions of separation; wisdom gained from having gone through this process. The sacred union coming together; all quite exciting to remember, rediscover again.
33:20 Soundgarden featuring Chris Cornell (video plays)
39:00 Justin's song decode
43:12 Lila B.: Speaking of intuitive knowing and this time of calling up. The work we've been doing, all revelation. New moon in Scorpio secrets will be known in greater detail; making reparations at this time; moving from blame/shame defensive modes and knee-jerk reactions. How can we lift ourselves higher; observations around that.
51:18 Justin's feedback: how do we integrate with the shadow? Ego will always be with us, we move forward by integration to say, āI see you, no hidingā. This is a gift; not something to be taken personally, but in the space of clarity we use the mirror to become whole; Heaven on Earth reality.
54:32 Lila interjects, with a personal reflection around the use of non-violent communications and wonders can feedback be heard with an open and loving heart?
59:00 Justin continues: The ego attempts to take over and we give the shadow more power over us; humility is key for everything.
1:00:30 Justin circles back to the Black Sun and the reintegration of wholeness.
1:01:01 Written Question from Izzy: "If there's an entity, how does one get rid of it?"
1:01:12 Justin's response: āEntityā as in āThought Formsā ā These are within our control; gives example of the thought form of "Envy" it can possess one and create this spiral into the potential to cause harm. This is "possession." Therefore āgetting rid of itāāultimately true healing comes from within (the one being healed); we can offer aid with supportive statements reminders; Providing them an opportunity to stop and take a breath and move out of that trauma. We stop inflicting trauma; reclaiming our power. No matter how much we love them, we cannot do this for them. Sometimes the most helpful thing we can do is to say "No, I'm not going to stand for this type of behavior, I can't force you to rectify what's going on internally, but I can stop your harm where I have influence." This might be met with violence, in words or deeds; be ready for whatever ensues. We become a āpattern breakerā. As Yeshua said to Peter, "Get behind me Satan" that was the kindest thing he could do in that moment. āNo moreāit stops with meā; Even if we fall, we give gratitude for the shadow for showing us what was hiding there.
1:13:05 Lila advises the work she's done with clearing entities were done with sound, to clear the mind, vibrations, these can be found online also; Things like Zappers for parasites are also very good for clearing those away... recommends "Best Zapper" as referenced in the writing of Dr. Hulda Clark.
1:15:51 Justin's feedback: Review of the "Best Zapper" easy to use, his model attaches to the wrist; further feedback on the chakras, frequencies, retuning the instrument (our body) to play in harmony once again with the Universe.
1:18:54 Lila shares regarding frequencies of Earth, Waterfall sounds and resonance. The wonder of the many options there are to bring about healing.
1:20:09 Darth agrees with Lila there's an infinite number of options to get rid of parasitesāThe act of honestly and withdrawing consent from parasites and taking the leap of faith to free yourself. The church bells were removed to vanquish the healing they gave; Even words, i.e.: Rebel: Re=Recede and Bel=Bells, removing the bells and that made it so the parasites win.
1:21:49 Justin adds Re- Renew āRebelling ourselves: The same as renewing and bringing in healing process.
1:22:40 Beth adds commentary on this topic as itās resonating. She relates a personal story; remembering that she learned about the zappers and parasites. Acknowledging that she was not able to receive the information at that time and how grateful she is to be here now to experience these new revelations. Has a health concern that she's been working on. Unsure if it's connected to parasites, mold or food allergies. She's tried several methods of treating it... She has returned to cleansing, getting the diet centered and back on track. Wonders what else she might eliminate or look into to address this.
1:28:36 Justin replies, often the focus on the external effects, however many times this comes from something happening within and that needs to be addressed. Suggests several options for hair/scalp issues including orin, apple cider vinegar and also castor oil solutions.
1:33:15 Beth thankful; adds that she's been trying these methods. Speaks further of her diet and how she's addressed the internal issues thus far. Trusting her inner guidance and intuition and just needed the confirmation on these today.
1:35:40 Justin addresses the orin use details, how to use it topically or using aged orin and its effects either way.
1:37:27 Tracey comments on her similar experience quite some time ago and these would flare up as she continued to detox. Shares details on treatments tried and reviews of their effectiveness. Mentions essential oils that have worked and how to apply those. Speaks of orin therapies and being able to work with those; additional adjustments made in her diet using more fruits, juices, vegetables and raw food incorporating. She's achieved complete remission for all auto-immune issues since incorporating these.
1:52:04 Justin thanks Tracey for sharing these tips and the reports of what's worked or hasn't for her.
1:53:17 Lila adds another method using baking soda and castor oil as well as the tools used to apply.
1:54:35 Tracey clarifies Orin stored in the refrigerator; how/when to consume or apply topically.
1:57:04 Question from Donadica regarding Halloween: In this time of transmuting things that the cabal twisted and corrupted; mentioned multiple posts of various issues around this topic: tied to the demonic, or negative health effects of the candy and effects on children. Mentioned these to Roxy of JC Fam and asked about the history gnosis and background; being raised in Ireland and given the Druid celebrations wondered if she'd share comments as she had experienced Halloween.
2:01:35 Roxy mentions links that she and Donadica had exchanged. The original name of Halloween and Roxy explains both the ācelebration time of mischief makingā and also an acknowledgment and āhonoring of their ancestors who had passed out of this realmā. Roxy recalls the stories of those who left during the time of famine to move to America. As well as how the holiday became more commercialized and that it also wasn't always a darker holiday but more of a spiritual or ethereal type of gathering time.
2:03:38 Justin replies: Its interesting to look into the root of where things came from; there's nothing that is inherently evil, wherever it's rooted from was something built in goodness. Even in mischief making, can be good to integrate while becoming our whole self. Mentions horror movies can be used as opportunities to fully integrate our fears so that they don't catch us unaware. Can be used to explore our darker side of self; As alchemists we transmute them for good. Addressing the Pagan religions that the cabal perverted; all can be integrated this way we don't give them power.
2:07:21 Donadica gives feedback and recalls after hearing Roxy's take on the ancient celebrations and the esoteric experiences, it called to mind the dark history behind the āSalem Witch Trialsā and learning that these women were merely practicing herbal medicine then wrongfully accused of witchcraft.
2:09:20 Justin responds sharing Darth's take on the term āWitchcraft.ā Which craft would you use? Why would we question those being burned at the stake, when we should be questioning those doing the burning. It's clear when we reexamine history in that way.
2:10:00 Lila thankful the topic came up. Sharing its something she's been dealing with recently as she's raising a school-aged child. Relates a story around a discussion with a neighbor and her feelings related to the holiday. Things didn't feel right intuitively; don't resonate. Shares another facet of how much it's kind of pushed within society and how at this point and with the current agenda; feels it's being used for dark purposes and nefariously. She appreciates the conversation.
2:16:28 Justin thanks Lila for her share and reiterates that it's an interesting topic to address.
2:16:51 Lila asks Justin to share further thoughts on the dark energies being in place during these times.
2:17:13 Justin responds: yes the cabal has used this holiday to pervert and twist; regardless of the roots of the holiday they have used it to prey upon children, perform rituals and spells to enhance and augment the black rituals; Christmas Eve was another dark ritual day: Since 2016 though the world has been shifting away from what it has been.
2:18:23 Lila would love to hear from others on this and thanks Roxy for her perspective as well on this topic.
2:19:05 Roxy shares that they noticed the difference and had never experienced the tradition of saying āTrick or Treatā or the receiving of candy. They were to sing a song and then be given pennies; She was quite shocked to hear that it was such a Satanic holiday as it never felt that way growing up or for their children. Halloween was generally a favorite time of year. Since then though sheās had to review the thoughts about it after learning about it. It became more commercialized within the last 20 years or so and the name changed to āHalloweenā
2:21:06 Justin thanks all for the shares and interesting topics.
2:21:40 Lila shares about a group of body workers who were brought together during pandemic. The group is called The Human Garage. Basically working to release the fascia within our bodies. Sheās been consistently doing this over the last year. She's achieved pain-relief doing this on herself. They offer various free 1-3 day challenges to follow along with their sessions and can be found on Instagram, YouTube and where they have daily shows with guest speakers and such. Lila reposting a link into JC Family chat or anyone can reach out to her directly for more information about it.
2:25:20 Justin shares that he's enjoyed it when he tried and it doesn't take much time either to do it; Seems very beneficial in helping to bring balance into these areas, especially given Lila's background with this work and her powerful testimony after.
2:26:50 Justin begins show close and covers the lyrics and decode of the final song by Radiohead - "Reckoner." Closing commentary around Election Day here in the United States and what we know will be coming along with the events that are in the process of unfolding.