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Notes provided by Roxy369. Thanks Roxy!
Charlie Freak Q&A 22 Nov 22
0:00 – 6.30 INTRO JC
These shows are an opportunity to bring additional clarity to a range of topics and the perfect questions are always asked at exactly the right time
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7:50 – Q1 Freemasons - what is the actual truth and Charlie’s gnosis behind them? Are they patriots?
Truth community - hang on problems without offering solutions. Outside in reality, everyone is evil and offer only a doom n gloom rhetoric…in general.
God at the forefront of all C&C Teachings
Truth of Jesus Christ at the forefront of all their (C&C) teachings
3 Godly groups
Priory of Zion – Designed to keep safe the sarcophagus of Mary Magdalene for DNA testing. Is a collection of all of the Grail documents and the bloodline of Jesus/Mary Magdelene/ Apostles?
Knights Templar – Military Arm - creating a schism within the Catholic Church creating the Order of the Blue Rose / Popes in Rome nothing more than Canaanites / Reference to ‘The Saint’ and Simon Templar – good v evil shows
Freemasons– job was to infiltrate all aspects of society to be able to become the righteous builders of truth within the disease of Organised Religion
Isaac Newton – misrepresented
Artists – creative and live within the right hemisphere of brain
This group of 3 all say the same thing – Inside/Out reality through stillness and silence to enable us to connect to and reveal God’s teachings and Truth
Only thing that exists is Here and Now
Left -brain reality / Cabal / Lies
Hollywood/ Music/ Entertainment figures
30:07 Q1 continued – Prince Philip and Royal families role in Freemasons?
Reference: Kingsman movies /Nightmare on Elm street /The King’s Speech
Hollywood filled with freemasonic Filmmakers/ Directors
Edward (and Mrs Simpson) friends with Adolf Hitler and Joseph Kennedy Snr
Adolf Hitler’s Germany
37:27 – 42:25 Input from JC
Common tactic to paint the Goodly and Godly and Freemasons in a bad light
Importance to not be attached to what we thought we knew and perhaps not open to the TRUTH. Being open to changing perspective and what is!
42:40 - Q2 How will we know the TRUTH?
Everything will be REVEALED
Being open to the idea that ‘I was wrong’
How can we show up and help – first address our own inner work
44:50 – 1:00:17 Input from Charlie (Justin at end)
How him and Colleen have been revealing the TRUTH for 5 years...
Hollywood contd… Begin looking at people in movies through IMDB - actors/ producers/ directors - who they’re all connected with. Connect the Dots to all these goodly godly people.
Reference: Mel Gibson/ Ryan Gosling / Cate Blanchett / Tom Selleck in Quigley Down Under ..etc..etc..
Doing the WORK - Still and Silence the Mind
With Wisdom comes great responsibility - shining the light to the right way..
God is REAL
1:01:45 – 1:11:06 Q3 Did Romans fall because they killed Jesus (clarity from Fireside chat)
Romans saw the necessity for Religion – to hear people’s secrets and used against them to reveal enemies. Not about God but Control.
Jesus plan to surrender himself ( die on the cross)
Romans closed down the healing for the world
Romans were obliterated by 500 AD – not so. They simply disguised themselves to incense, beads and robes to infiltrate us..
1:11:27 - 1:20:49 Q4 What is the pre-Rothchild Language/ Rothchild taking over our Language?
Rothchild turned English language upside down
Reference: etymonline.com and artists Joni Mitchell/ Neil Young/ Simon and Garfunkel
Use of words and turned them upside down so that the words have opposite meanings to what they really are - such as Fine / Holly(wood) / Understand
Free will/ Leap of Faith – our work to become virtuous and be done with our Left brain thinking
1:21;30 – 1:22:42 Input from Justin
Left Brain thinking
Conscious thinking
1:23:12 – Q5 Animals and why they kill each other? Did Cabal genetically manipulate them to introduce an element of Trauma to Humanity?
Yes but not in the way you think
We are the pinnacle of all God’s creations
Animal kingdom is what it is –
Man is frugivore though we have carniferous tendencies
Putting Life and Light and Love first and being in alignment
1:35:00 - 1:37:54 Input from Justin
Create balance in a harmonious way and less need for killing
All God’s creations have a purpose – animals that eat dead creatures to keep earth clean and in a balanced state
1:40:55– 1:48:33 Q6 Chemical spraying in the Sky and dumbing us down and why it still continues?
God has won and why it still continues?
Negative affects of seeding the sky has long ended
Perhaps spraying Heavy Metals still – to try and awaken more people?
Son in the sky reassures us that we are LIGHT – and to go within
Same context as Covid – to awaken people
And how Govts /Corps have been so trusted! People giving away their freedoms hence why these key things still exist - Covid, Jabs, Vaccines, Election Fraud, Weather Manipulation and Chemtrails.
Midterm Elections Voting
If you build it he (God) will come – Stillness and Silence
1:52:22 - 1:55:40 Charlie’s finishing point /Justin
If the Cabal were still in existence with any kind of Power how easy would it be to have a Drone (filled with grenades) to wipe out every house in every country!!
Q - Everything is Being done to PROTECT you
1:56:15 Justin
Cabal has no major influence to inflict wide-scale damage, though their minions that are left have to think they have and that they still have a chance
Chemtrails etc still continue in a small format to keep these minions out in the open